April 20, 2011

More Birds' Nests

Here is the second birds' nest activity we did. I found this cute idea at Chocolate On My Cranium. It took a few days to complete because we had to wait for the nests and clay to dry. But you could also use the kind of clay that you bake to dry.

Here's what to do:
Mix 1/8 cup cornstarch with 1 cup water, and heat to boiling.
Stir constantly and let it thicken a bit, then remove from heat and let cool.
Just use store-bought liquid cornstarch.
I think that using some glue mixed with water would work well too... maybe even better.

Cut pieces of yarn or string into varying lengths.
Wrap some bowls or cups with plastic wrap.
Dip the yarn into the liquid cornstarch and wrap around the outside of the upside-down bowls or cups.
Let dry... it may take a day or two.

In the meantime, make some little birds and eggs to go in your nests. You could make them out of clay and paint them like we did (my daughter even made worms, bugs and seeds for her birds to eat), or come up with another way. I'm sure there are a lot of crafty ideas out there for making cute little birds.

Have fun!

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